(877) 456-7632 info@msxgroup.com

Welcome to Prospero

This tour is designed to give you a brief overview of the Prospero application’s powerful budgeting, reporting and analysis functionality.  Your tour will take about 10 minutes to complete and will cover the following topics:

  • The Benefits of Prospero
  • Reports and Report Elements
  • Robust Reporting Features
  • Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Data Integration and Configuration
  • Security

During your tour, you can move through each topic, or back to a previous topic, by clicking on the orange Previous or Next links that appear at the bottom of each screen. In addition, the options bar on the right of this page will also provide you with navigation – as well as links to additional information on MSX Group services for Prospero.
At any time during your tour, you can select the image on the screen to see an enlargement of the Prospero feature or function.

To get started with your Prospero Product Tour, click on the Next link here.