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2022 Spring Prospero User Forum

User Forums for Prospero, Management Reporter, and Forecaster

Join other users of MSX Group’s budgeting and financial reporting product, Prospero®, in a one-day, online user conference discussing tips and tricks for getting the most out of this powerful reporting and financial analysis solution.

When: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 (11am-5pm Eastern)

Where: Online

Cost: FREE!

Register Now

What is going on during our Prospero® day? Plenty! So register early as seating is limited even though this is a virtual conference. Below is an overview of the planned sessions. Note that topics are subject to change.

Tentative agenda

* Session 1: Prospero® Reporting and Budgeting Introduction

Prospero is an easy-to-use, all-in-one software solution for financial reporting, budgeting, forecasting, planning and analysis. This session will provide a high-level overview of the Prospero reporting and budgeting capabilities to provide a nice foundation of the power, ease and flexibility of the product. We will discuss common issues and pain points most have in their reporting and budgeting process along with the Prospero solutions, improvements, and efficiencies gained you may leverage.

* Session 2: Prospero® Reporting Overview

Prospero is an intuitive tool for financial reporting and analysis. This introductory session will walk you through viewing, analyzing and interacting with reports (drill down to account and transaction level, comments, graphing, drill order, exporting, etc.). In addition, reporting basics of the line, column, tree and report settings will be reviewed to illustrate how simple it is to create reports in Prospero with best practices and tips to reduce or avoid report maintenance altogether.

* Session 3: Prospero® Reporting: Beyond the Basics

Building reports in Prospero is easy as well as powerful. We will look at several financial report examples of income statements, balances sheets, statements of cash flow, and statistical reporting. A variety of report design techniques and tips will be shared for how you can create dynamic and impactful reports for your organization.

* Session 4: Prospero® Budgeting Overview

Budgeting and forecasting using Prospero by the MSX Group provides easy, built-in functionality to handle commonly needed budget tasks. Come see how Prospero can be used for budgeting and forecasting to avoid the spreadsheet pains and problems most encounter. We will walk through budget input with details for Human Resources, Capital, Line Item Details, Comments, and Audit History – just to name a few of the features you may leverage to centralize, automate and improve your budgeting and forecasting process.

* Session 5: Prospero® Budgeting: Beyond the Basics

Complex or large-scale budgeting and forecasting does not have to be difficult. This session will cover the budget template setup of the lines, columns and the simple assumptions for Human Resources and Capital. We will also show how budget lines/templates may be globally shared or how unique line sets may be tailored for various departments or divisions of your business with statistics and driver based modeling to best meet your requirements and goals.

Certificates of Attendance will be issued to all attendees and may be applied towards Continuing Educational Credits (CPE’s).

Prospero is built, sold, and maintained by MSX Group. MSX Group provides services for Prospero, including training classes, software support and consulting services. Consulting services commonly include installation and upgrade assistance, report building, report refinement, budget setup, security and distribution configuration, and migration from Microsoft FRx, Forecaster, and Management Reporter to Prospero.